complete explanation:
This label has a very strong adhesive, which becomes invalid when it is removed from the surface, but does not leave any writings or phrases on the bottom surface, which means that the effect of opening the label is visible inside the label itself.
The main difference between this label and other types is that it does not leave a mark on the product except for the words specified inside the label.
• Types of uses are:
Sensitive envelopes
Glass plastic boxes
Metal boxes
Application in computer and informatics industries
The surfaces where the security label is used and the security label without affecting the NT surface
Metal, polished or painted or wormed
Hard or soft plastic surfaces
Laminated surfaces
Cardboard or fiber
Plastic plates made with acrylic.
Wood, plywood
Plastic surfaces that are not greasy.
Faragarsanat Group will provide you with the necessary services in this field.
If you have any comments or suggestions and need advice, you can contact us.
You can make the best decision and witness the best result in this regard by carrying out technical consultations before choosing a void label.
Faragarsanat company is an exclusive producer of Void label. You can register your orders and our company will produce all kinds of Void label with the best quality for you.
We are waiting for your comments and suggestions.
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Contact us for advice and information about the price list